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![用最美英文讲最美中国故事 百度网盘](/img999/f_50239637.jpg)
├┈001 G1- New Years Eve 除夕.pdf
├┈001 G1- New Years Eve 除夕.mp3
├┈002 G2- Frogs Tasty World 井底之蛙.pdf
├┈002 G2- Frogs Tasty World 井底之蛙.mp3
├┈003 G3- Folktales_Ox-man_Part 1 神农尝百草1.pdf
├┈004 G1节日_Laba Festival 腊八.pdf
├┈005 G1节日_Dongzhi Festival 冬至.pdf
├┈005 G1节日_Dongzhi Festival 冬至.mp3
├┈006 G1节日_Spring Festival 春节.mp3
├┈007 G1节日_Laba Festival 腊八.mp3
├┈008 G1节日_Double Seventh Festival七夕节.mp3
├┈009 .pdf
├┈009 G1节日_Dragon Boat Festival 端午节.mp3
├┈010 G1节日_Qingming Festival 清明节.mp3
├┈011 G1节日_Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节.mp3
├┈012 G1节日_Lantern Festival 元宵节.mp3
├┈013 G1节日_Double Ninth Festival 重阳节.mp3
├┈014 .pdf
├┈014 G2成语_Master Archer 百发百中.mp3
├┈015 G2成语_Hurry Up,Plants 拔苗助长.mp3
├┈016 G2成语_ The Early Bird Catches the Worm 笨鸟先飞.mp3
├┈017 G2成语_Powerful Mr. Fox 狐假虎威.mp3
├┈019 G2成语_Painting the Dragons to Life 画龙点睛.mp3
├┈020 G2成语_The Fake Musician 滥竽充数.mp3
├┈021 G2成语_FolkID_Discovering An Elephant 盲人摸象.mp3
├┈022 G2成语_Waiting for Rabbits 守株待兔.mp3
├┈023 G2成语_Better Late Than Never 亡羊补牢,未为迟也.mp3
├┈024 G3民间故事_Kua Fu Chases the Sun 夸父追日.mp3
├┈025 G3民间故事_The River God_s Gifts_金斧头银斧头Part 2.mp3
├┈026 G3民间故事_The River God_s Gifts_ 金斧头银斧头Part 1.mp3
├┈027 G3民间故事_The Three Monks_三个和尚Part 1.mp3
├┈028 G3民间故事_The Three Monks_三个和尚Part 3.mp3
├┈029 G3民间故事_The Three Monks_三个和尚Part 2.mp3
├┈030 G3民间故事_Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 2.mp3
├┈031 G3民间故事_The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘 看图文.mp3
├┈032 G3民间故事_Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 1.mp3
├┈033 G3民间故事_Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 1.mp3
├┈034 G3民间故事_Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 3.mp3
├┈035 G3民间故事_The Three Monks_三个和尚Part 3.mp3
├┈036 G3民间故事_Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 1.mp3
├┈037 G3民间故事神农尝百草Part 2.mp3
├┈038 G3民间故事_Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 3.pdf
├┈038 G3民间故事_Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 3.mp3
├┈039 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日1.mp3
├┈040 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日2.mp3
├┈041 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日3.mp3
├┈042 G3民间故事_Jing wei Fills the Sea 精卫填海.mp3
├┈043 G3民间故事_The Jade Emperors Zodiac Calender 生肖来源.mp3
├┈44 G3民间故事_Kua Fu Chases the Sun 夸父追日.mp3
├┈45 G3民间故事_Jing wei Fills the Sea 精卫填海微信号daniu_09.mp3
├┈46 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日1.mp3
├┈47 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日2.mp3
├┈48 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日3.mp3
├┈49 G3民间故事_The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘.mp3
├┈50 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日1.mp3
├┈51 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日2.mp3
├┈52 G3民间故事_HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日3.mp3
├┈53 G3民间故事_The Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 1.mp3
├┈55 G3民间故事_The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘.mp3
├┈56 G3民间故事_Folktale_Family Matters_Part 1 宝莲灯1.mp3
├┈57 G3民间故事_Folktale_Family Matters_Part 2 宝莲灯2.mp3
├┈58 G3民间故事_Folktale_Family Matters_Part 3 宝莲灯3.mp3
├┈59 G3民间故事_Folktale_Family Matters_Part 4 宝莲灯4.mp3
├┈60 G3民间故事_Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 1 聚宝盆1.mp3
├┈61 G3民间故事_0181011_Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 2 聚宝盆2.mp3
├┈62 G3民间故事_Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 3 聚宝盆3团课微信号1369651424.mp3
├┈63 G3民间故事_Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 1 木兰从军1.mp3
├┈64 G3民间故事_Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 2 木兰从军2.mp3
├┈65 G3民间故事_Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 3 木兰从军3.mp3
├┈66 G3民间故事_Folktale_Pangu Separates the Sky and the Earth 盘古开天.mp3
├┈67 G3民间故事_Nuwa People_Part 1 女娲造人1.mp3
├┈68 G3民间故事_Nuwa Makes People_Part 2 女娲造人 2.mp3
├┈69 G3民间故事_Folktale_The Long Haired Girl_Part 1 长发姑娘1.mp3
├┈70 G3民间故事_Folktale_The Long Haired Girl_Part 2 长发姑娘2.mp3
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